I’m Sam!

I’m using this website to centralise all of my work in the academic world, from articles and blogposts, to papers and other projects!

Currently, I’m working at the Collections Engagement Officer for the National Paralympic Heritage Trust.

My work with the NPHT began with an AHRC CDP PhD research project, which was co-supervised with the University of Glasgow. In this project, I researched the socio-technical history of manual sports wheelchair devices. During this project, I undertook a 6-month placement with the NPHT as the Assistant Learning Officer.

I am also undertaking casual research work at Loughborough University in collaboration with the NPHT.

I have supported a range of extracurricular academic projects. This includes co-founding and co-running the UK Disability History and Heritage Hub following the Invisible & Under-Represented? Disability History, Objects & Heritage conference.

Generally, I have research interests across disability history, with particular interest in technology, sport, politics, and intersections with Jewish and African American history.